Travel Against Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Advice
If you are planning to travel to a region or country against British FCDO advice, please note most standard retail travel insurance schemes, including our own CI Direct Scheme, will not permit travel contrary to FCDO advice. However, we offer a specialist policy purely to areas against FCDO advice. All enquiries must however be dealt with on an individual basis.
Please click here to download an application form which you should complete and return to us. Once received, we will email you a quotation.
Full details of the policy cover may be found in the Key Facts Policy Summary, Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and Policy Wording.
Example premiums:
- Up to 17 days cover for travel to a country in Europe against FCDO advice (e.g. France) would be £60.00 inclusive of tax for individuals under 74 years of age at date of commencement of the insurance.
- Up to 17 days cover for travel to a country in Europe against FCDO advice (e.g. France) for a family (as defined) would be £64.50 inclusive of tax.
- Up to 17 days cover for travel on a worldwide basis against FCDO advice (e.g. the USA) would be £60.00 for individuals up to 64 years of age inclusive of tax, or for individuals over 64 but under 75 years of age at date of commencement of the insurance £110.40 inclusive of tax.
Maximum age 74 years at date of commencement of the insurance unless agreed by Insurers. Maximum duration for persons aged 65 to 74 years is 31 days.
Please note there is no cover under any section of the policy for COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
If you wish to see if the country you intend to visit is on the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advice, please click here.